

What is the Skinny For Good Program?

The Skinny for Good Program is my proven complete easy-to-follow system designed to take you by the hand (as in step 1, step 2, step3) to lose Weight the healthy way, keep it off for good & end your food struggles once & for all. No confusion or wishy washy-ness. Literally step-by-step nothing is left out.

SFGC IS AN 9-MODULE STEP-BY-STEP DIGITAL COURSE that walks you through exactly what to eat, how to think about food and what to do to lose weight for good the healthy way (and prevent and reverse aging with food!).


  • Login 24/7 (all digital and downloadable)
  • Literally step-by-step. Nothing is left out. No dramatic changes required.
  • And we have a community of customers going along with you to help, support & connect with you, the whole way!

What’s included in the Skinny For Good Course? 

The Skinny for Good Course includes instant access to: 

  9 Totally-Amazing Step-by-Step Modules

  4 Holy $%@& Bonuses

  “Better Than A Bonus”  Skinny-By-The-Weekend Detox (full step-by-step guide showing you EXACTLY how to lose the first few pounds in less than 1 week without living in the gym, spending tons of money on cosmetic procedures or having to starve yourself).

As soon as you enroll, you will get immediate access (via username and password) to the Skinny For Good Program, all bonuses & Skinny By The Weekend.

   Lifetime access and login 24/7 (it is all digital + downloadable so you can login to access the content & download the program and take it with you on the go)

   Content is available in video + slides (MOV), audio (MP3) and slides (PDF)

   30 day 100% money back guarantee

hey! that’s me, taylor stanley 🙂

Skinny For Good Course is different….and the #1 training program in the WORLD for losing weight the healthy way and keeping it off for good:

  • Proven system with over 500 happy students in over 10 counties with completely different lifestyles and schedules from fashion industry-CEO’s to recent graduates to stay at home moms of 3 that home school their children.
  • Walks through EVERY part of fast & lasting weight loss step-by-step…. Eating, thinking, working out and what to do after you complete the program so you can keep the weight off and continue losing 24/7 without even thinking about it
  • Having a fail-proof program you can refer back to time and time again. Don’t know what to eat (and don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen, no problem! Included in your enrollment is a 14-day meal plan and the ultimate grocery shopping guide that will make it as east as 1-2-3.
  • Need some accountability inspiration and feedback (and answers to any of your questions)? The Skinny for Good Courses PRIVATE Facebook group (which you’ll get access to with your enrollment) will have tons of like-minded students at all different stages of the SFGC process (and they are all super cool… of course!)
  • Packed with personality and fun. Shedding pounds & getting your dream body should be fun, right? 🙂

9 totally awesome step-by-step modules 

Step 1: The SKINNY Mindset: Making changes from the inside out & shedding emotional baggage (which is manifested physically as “fat”)

  • Looking at food & eating the RIGHT way
  • Making changes from the inside out
  • Loving & approving of yourself

Step 2: Eating by design & for digestion: The 2 most important D’s for weight loss

  • Learn the science behind eating “skinny” & staying that way
  • The secrets to preventing & reversing aging from the inside out
  • Understanding the important of digestion & what to eat to make it easier on our bodies
  • The secret foods living in your pantry sabotaging your success (and how to stay away from them)
  • How to create a  fail-proof refrigerator and pantry that won’t let you slip
  • Staple foods and

Step 3: Eating for health & beauty: How to eat your way to a healthy toned body, beautiful hair & radiant, ageless skin

  • The secret foods living in your pantry sabotaging your success (and how to stay away from them)
  • Eating for ageless skin & a toned body
  • Learn the EXACT foods to avoid & limit & what to consume daily

Step 4: The exact morning routine to set you up for success and the breakfast of champions (this is SO important!)

  • How to start your day (in the least stressful and most productive way)
  • What to eat and do right when you wake up so you’re fuller longer and ready to conquer the world
  • How to lose weight by only changing out your breakfast

Step 5: What to eat for lunch and dinner: over 30 mouth-watering recipes you’ll drool over

  • Tips for eating lunch outside the house and finding meals that taste good and fend off fat
  • Dinner recipes that will keep you full and satisfied so you don’t go to bed or wake up hungry
  • Learn how to eat through out the day to promote fat-loss & beauty

Step 6: Workouts that work and blast fat for good (and what ones won’t)

  • The fun road map of getting your butt in shape without the nonsense
  • Heart-pumping workouts to get the fat melting off in minutes
  • The 3 stages of workouts & what to do for your lifestyle

Step 7: Creating New Habits: How to make changes that actually stick & breaking bad habits

  • How to stay on the right path when traveling and eating out so you can still have fun (while losing and keeping off the weight)
  • What to say to the waiter so they don’t mess up your meal
  • Airports, take out and foreign countries… oh my!

Step 8: What to eat when eating out and traveling: Menu guides for ordering like a skinny girl

  • How to stay on the right path when traveling and eating out so you can still have fun (while losing and keeping off weight)
  • What to eat at different restaurants: Mexican, sushi, Italian, and more!
  • Ordering like a pro, stress-free

Step 9:What to do if you fall off the wagon and how to get out of a rut (without bruising your ego): long term health and weight loss 

  • Reasons ruts and wagon falls happen so you can avoid those painful traps
  • How to keep your motivation long after you’ve made the decision to get skinny
  • Maintaining your skinny


If you’ve tried fad diets, fitness-industry advice and counting calories but nothing has worked long-term, this is going to be for you.

If you are currently sitting in your office or at home (or checking texts while “working out” ;)) and want to finally end all your frustration and struggles around food and your weight. This program is for you.

If you feel like you’re eating healthy and exercising but nothing is changing, or at least not as much as you want it to, this program is for you. Or…

If you dread looking in the mirror because you’re frustrated with how you look (and feel), this program is for you. Or…

If you have a SLOW metabolism and gain weight from a cookie and lose it slower than molasses in winter, this program is for you. Or…

If you want to be get skinny, prevent and reverse aging with food and get your confidence back but aren’t sure what to do, this is for definitely going to be for you.

Skinny for Good is the complete, proven, step-by-step A-to-Z system to lose weight the healthy way, keep it off and get skinny once & for all.”

Bigger than a bonus:  Skinny-By-The-Weekend 5 Day Detox

With your enrollment with Skinny for Good Course you will get free access to Skinny-By-The-Weekend 5 Day Detox: How to shed weight starting TODAY & look great in LESS than 1 week (without spending tons of time or money or having to practically starve yourself).

What if you have something THIS weekend (or even next)? Or you’re long over due for a detox and want to jump start the process? Skinny-By-The-Weekend is an epic “bigger than a bonus” FULL guide to walk you through exactly how to jumpstart weight loss from scratch (or hugely improve on what you’ve been doing) without wasting time & money (so many common mistakes out there).

Skinny-By-The-Weekend “5 Day Detox” shows you EXACTLY what to do so you can lose weight in just days and have everyone tell you how amazing you look your next event (and are wondering if they can do the same).

Even better? Not only do you get a complete 5-day meal plan that will help you lose weight fast & in the healthiest way but you also get a step-by-step detox guide to rid your body of all those built up toxins that are leading to cellulite & weight gain!

This jam-packed guide will help you change bad habits & show you a taste of what good, real food can do for you. Your body needs a rest and these 5 days will make you look skinnier, healthier & have more beautiful skin than you’ve ever had. Pretty darn cool, right?

In Skinny-By-The-Weekend “5 Day Detox” you will get access to PDFs, downloads, slides etc. Here is the agenda:

  • Day 1: An intro & diving right in
  • Day 2: The skinniest foods
  • Day 3: Eliminating old toxins & sludge
  • Day 4: Looking & feeling your best
  • Day 5: You’ve made it! Event ready in no time
  • **Day 6: transitioning off the detox Day 1
  • **Day 7: transitioning off the detox Day 2

Skinny-By-The-Weekend “5 Day Detox” is yours free as part of this limited-time special offer to enroll in the Skinny For Good Program (the training is already uploaded to your account and you will see it when you login to the Skinny For Good Program after you enroll).

FAQ & Fun Facts

+ I’m already eating healthy but it’s not working. Does that matter?

  • Great question. Eating healthy means different things to different people so I’m not sure what exactly that means for your life. You may be eating healthier today than you were last month or last year but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re eating foods that promote long-term weight loss, health & beauty. The SFG program is a system that fits easily into your lifestyle while giving you structure and a clear path to success.

+ Do I get access to everything all at once or do I have to wait?

  • Yes, you get access to everything instantly. You can dive into the material at any pace you want (I recommend staying in order). Not everyone offers an affordable plan that gives you full access but I know how life-changing this stuff is when you learn and implement it.

+ How much weight will I lose?

  • You can lose as much or as little as you want to. There is no set number, it’s completely up to you and whatever “healthy” means for your body. If you follow and stick to the program you will have no problem shedding your unwanted weight & looking & feeling your best.

+ How long does the program take?

  • Each module takes about 30 minutes to get through. It’s easily digestible so you can go through it all one time or take your time with each module.

+ What if I’ve tried other programs but they haven’t worked for me?

  • Girl, I get you. I myself have tried numerous programs, as have many other Skinnies, that simply didn’t work. Or they worked for a short time and then I gained all the weight back. The difference with this program is I give you specific, clear cut steps and guidelines and you implement the changes in a way that works for YOUR life. This is not a cookie cutter program, it’s one designed by me and with you to make sure you have quick, lasting success.

+ What exactly do I get with the course?

  • Great question 🙂 As soon as you purchase, you will get immediate access (via username and password) to the entire Skinny For Good Program.
    • Lifetime access and login 24/7 (it’s all digital + downloadable so you can login to access the content & download the program and take it on the go with you as well).
    • Content is available in video + slides and you can download everything (videos, PDF’s, slides).

You can instant access to:

  1. 9 Really-Awesome Step-by-Step Modules (to get through at your own pace)
  2. Skinny-by-the-weekend 5-Day Detox (which is so much more than a bonus and shows you how to reset your system and get you looking and feeling great BY the weekend without starving yourself, living in the gym or spending thousands of dollars)
  3. 4 Holy $%@#  Bonuses

Bonus #1: 14-Day Meal Plan & Grocery List (Includes The “Lazy Girl” Edition)

  • The ultimate, simple “skinny for good meal-plan” to avoid overwhelm and confusion as you begin losing weight
  • Lazy Girl edition for those of us who are on the go or want to spend as little time in the kitchen as possible (and a grocery list to accompany)

Bonus 2: Grocery Shopping Like A Pro

  • My top recommended ways to keep you on track in those tempting grocery store aisles
  • Keeps you organized and focused

BONUS 3: 5 Kitchen Essentials (& What to Leave At The Store)

  • The complete guide to the Skinny For Good kitchen recommendations (not required though!)
  • Only buy what you really need

Bonus 4: Skinny For Good PRIVATE Telegram Group

  • Support, connection, feedback, tips, networking, etc. Get all your questions answered and get one-of-a-kind feedback from the community
  • There are a lot of crappy FB & Telegram groups. This isn’t one of them 🙂 The people in this are AMAZING & help you every step of the way

+ Can I download the videos and all the other cool stuff?

  • You sure can! Everything is digital and downloadable. Enjoy!

+ Do I get lifetime access?

  • Yes you do! And you get access to any and all updates I push out down the line. 🙂

+ Is the program right for me? Meaning will it “work” for me?

  • Ok, so everyone’s situation is a little different and of course I can’t guarantee results (or some attorney’s may come hunting me down), but I can give you the EXACT formula for quick, easy & lasting success with all the tools, strategies and step-by-step hand-holding.  The program is right for you if you follow and implement it into your life. It’s super simple, easy-to-follow and works every time if you allow it to. Sometimes we’re the reason we’re not succeeding so I show you how to get out of your own way and push past any obstacles you have. That being said, the course is definitely right for you if: If you have tried going at this alone with not much success or a whole lot of confusion or you want to make changes but can’t seem to make then. Or… if you gained weight over time and have been trying to lose it for a while now with little success. Of… if you look in the mirror and you’re not happy with what you see and you are done having that feeling. You may have lost some (or a lot) of self-confidence. If you’ve thought “I’m SO fat and uncomfortable and so upset with myself for letting it get this bad” then this program is definitely going to be for you. The key “requirement” that I truly believe works magic is making the decision to change and not stay the same, being an action-taker and being “coachable.” Also, a real desire to NOT stay the same. To move forward in your life and get to a better, happier and healthier place. On the other hand, if you are not excited about getting skinny and healthy, or you want a “magic pill” that works overnight, or something that doesn’t require you becoming a better version of yourself, this my friend is not going to be the right program for you. Also, if you aren’t open to learning or have an “I know everything” attitude then I’m not sure how helpful this will be. I will be sharing some information you may already know and a TON that you don’t, and it will all be put together in my “secret-sauce” kind of way for you to go at it step-by-step. However, diet pills and underfeeding your body aren’t part of this so you’ve gotta do something else if that’s what you’re looking for.

+ Are there any additional costs for the program?

  • Nope. However, I do recommend you have a high-speed blender for the program. It’s not essential and you can DEFINITELY start with out one, but for the SFG lifestyle a blender is huge bonus and helps out a lot. My goal is for you to be able to get through the program and look damn-good using simple ingredients and things you already have in your kitchen.

+ Do I have to use specific tools you recommend in the program?

  • There are definitely a couple tools I recommend but they aren’t required and you don’t need to go out and purchase anything today. I use my vitamix more than I use just about anything else in my house (because it’s so easy and makes great “meals” especially when I don’t have a ton of time – which is often) but any blender will do. Or none at all. The other thing I use (but isn’t in the program a lot) is a food processor.

+ Is Skinny For Good really step-by-step?

  • Absolutely! No guessing or confusion. Just follow the program 🙂

+ Taylor, thank you for the payment plan option! If I choose the payment plan do I get the entire program or just a portion until I pay all my payments?

  • You sure do! Through this special offer you get the entire Skinny For Good Program for just ____ payments of _____. Meaning only $197 is due today and you get binge-watch/consume the heck out of the program. It’s too frustrating having to get on a payment plan and slowly get access to the course, one piece at a time which is why I don’t do that. However, I trust you guys so much and know you are purchasing in good faith so you get the entire course immediately, regardless of the payment option you choose. And I know you guys are great and wouldn’t screw me over so the course is all yours at one time. I trust you will follow through on all the payments if that’s the option you choose and become a Skinny for life.

+ Taylor, what if I want a refund? What’s the policy?

  • So, here’s our refund policy. This is hands down the best online program for quick, lasting and healthy weight loss out there. I really pride myself on creating something that’s such high quality and really universal. It’s a program that actually works if you do. Meaning, if you sit at home and don’t make a single change or put in some effort, shockingly nothing will change. Crazy, right? If within 30 days, if you are unhappy for whatever reason just email our customer support (lead by my amazing assistant) and you will receive a full refund. We stand behind the Skinny For Good Program 100%.

+ I have a question, who should I ask?

+ Will my information be shared with anyone?

  • Absolutely not! Your information is 100% secure and you pay through so the SFG team never receives or has access to your payment information.

How do I get started & how much does it cost?

How much is the Skinny For Good Program? You could try to figure it out on your own and spend thousands upon thousands (and a TON of time) or “hire a personal trainer / nutritionist” for $5,000+ (I know, it’s crazy how it adds up).

The entire Skinny For Good Program step-by-step system is only $197 for 3 months. Meaning you can get started and full access today for just $197.

You can also pay in full (and save $94) for $497.

And yes, you will get full access to the program right away with your first payment. All modules. All downloads. All bonuses. So you can dive right in and binge away or go slow and steady. The choice is yours.

How About A Guarantee?

Skinny for Good comes with a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. I pride myself on the highest quality programs that actually work and create lasting results… if you put the work in. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make her drink… If you do what i teach you, great things happen. If you don’t do it, nothing happens.

Say WHATTT…?!? 

If within 30 days, you are unhappy for whatever reason just email our customer support led by my amazing assistant and you will receive a full refund. My team and I stand behind the Skinny for Good course 100%.

Choose your payment option below to get started